Male Liposuction in Mexico

Male Liposuction in Mexico

Male Liposuction in Mexico is one of the most sought-after and effective fat reduction procedures for men. For a variety of reasons, men can develop stubborn fat deposits in areas such as the abdomen and flanks, which becomes resistant to exercise or diet over time. Male flanks located on the sides of the waist just above the belt line as well as lower abdomen are particularly affected by unsightly fat bulges.

An experienced body contouring plastic surgeon in Mexico can perform male liposuction to eliminate these unwanted fat pockets and restore a trim and youthful figure. Some men may also benefit from male liposuction for breast reduction, provided the breast tissue is fatty and not glandular. If you are struggling with fatty tissue, liposuction is the surest way to remove it and improve your chest appearance.

Your cosmetic surgeon may decide to perform traditional liposuction or tumescent liposuction in Mexico, depending on the amount of fat to be removed and other factors. The advantage with tumescent liposuction is that it will avoid the use of general anesthesia and produce more effective body contouring results in a less invasive way.

A state of the art plastic surgery center in Mexico may also offer you advanced technologies such as laser, radio frequency or ultrasound assisted liposuction. These techniques will make your fat reduction procedure less traumatic and more precise.

Male liposuction in Mexico can help men eliminate excess fat around the waist, flanks, and chest area providing a more defined body build. Contact Jet Medical Tourism® today.

Schedule male liposuction consultation

If you are a man who is considering male liposuction to reduce unwanted or stubborn fat, our liposuction surgeons can help you achieve a slimmer and more chiselled look. Email us today for more information on male liposuction in Mexico, surgery prices and other plastic surgery options or call (855) 506-6188 for a free consultation.

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